
14:02 Beck Gillingham 0 Comments

We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are. Sane or insane. Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good or bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Or we can decide for ourselves. And maybe it's our job to invent something better.” - Chuck Palahnuik 

Perhaps defining myself as a fashion and business student isn't the greatest way to express my true colours and personality. I have a love for words that drip from the pages of the books that line my shelf. I have fallen for the clothes that hang from my closet, and the ones that are yet to find their way there. I am yet to discover who I am, or exactly what I want to do with this great expanse of life that lays before me, but I hope that as each adventure and experience shapes my character, that I find the burning flame that lights the darkest corners of my mind. 

I have a passion for trends and unique styles that I share with the billions of women that line the borders of the world, but I maintain a creative flair that only my upbringing and innovativeness could have taught me. Being a student means getting creative, and defining a personal perspective on things that are of value, and those that are not. While I have fabulous taste in fashion, my bank account doesn't always agree, and as a result I'm forced to work with what I've got. 

I am hilariously funny, and have been known to make people want to vomit rainbows. So hopefully this blog shines light to your day, gives you delightful tips about fashion and ultimately leave you with laughs and a smile across that wonderful face of yours.